Blasting gore two-way attack featuring:
- Capsaicin Stitch Rupture, 2-piece band from Czech Republic with members of Deep Throat and Pothead, since 2020.
- First Days of Humanity, by Tapo from Phoenix, Arizona, USA started in 2019. Vocals on this session by Jacks.
Released in October 2021 (CD and digital format) by Bizarre Leprous Productions.
Get it here:
-- Capsaicin Stitch Rupture: Effectus Capsici Conscientia Hominis --
01. Treatment Of Usher’s Syndrome Of Blindness With Capsicum Alkaloids (Radim Rehurek’s prescription) 0:00
02. Craniofacial Cleft Caused By Capsaicin Ingestio
...n During Pregnancy 0:39
03. We Are The Morugore 1:51
04. Chilli-Culinary Orgastical Testicular Spasm 2:55
05. Vagina Stimulation With The Carolina Reaper Extract 4:00
06. Ghost Pepper Butt Plug 6:01
07. Sriracha Colostomy Bag 7:04
08. The Greatest Possible Burning In Rectum 8:06
09. Capsaicin-Induced AbortionShow more