Leather Project: Barrel Bag part I - the handle

Tools, Material & Pattern: The Barrel Bag, a classic silhouette meets practicality. In our 4 week video series, we’ll show you how to make this all time favorite from handle, cover, body to final assembly. You’ll learn to make the individual elements of the Barrel Bag from leather wrapped top handle to buckle detailing. You can also apply these techniques to your own bag creations or add additional components to make this project better for your everyday use. Let’s get started! Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: 人家說擁有一個好包勝過所有穿搭 你有曾經想過自己親手做出一個包包嗎? 從發想、設計到製作,一氣呵成、獨一無二 就讓我們先從提把開始吧! ⭐皮革包袋提把⭐ 簡約風格款式,輕鬆動手DIY 皮革質感、堅固耐用、手感絕佳 是不是超實用又不失個人特色呀 如果家中剛好有提把損壞卻還完好的包袋 也可以自行改裝搭配唷~ 再也不用捨不得淘汰心愛的包包惹🥺😍
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