This version of the song “Ketzergeschrei“ has never been released before and comes from the “Heretic Rehearsal 1996“.
The original version was released on the split tape with the French band Kristallnacht in 1997 .
It was rehearsed here with new musicians.
The band line-up at these rehearsals was as follows:
Drums / Vocals: King Asura
Bass: Count Askard
Rhythmguitar 1: Anapabtist
Rhythmguitar 2: Humungus
The band rehearsals in these days were accompanied by Asura’s uncontrolled tantrums and hate triads towards the fellow musicians.
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4 weeks ago 00:24:46 36
Простите за беспокойство. Или человек, который продает(ся) // Ирина Штерк. Между строк.
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