Follow me on Twitter X Just in Case Video of DARPA Scientist Warning of nanoparticles Thank you God & Thank you Jesus Patrick Humphrey Prepper WARNING toxic chemicals are being released into the air through geoengineering and solar radiation modification. These programs are untested and being implemented on a mass scale. States like California Virginia and Florida are seeing heavy engineering and sun blocking. The UK has reported a pink sky that looks very strange as well. Get water filtration and stock up on storable long term food. Shtf is here in 2023 and you should be prepared. prepare for wrol in 2023. Watch Patrick Humphrey who brings you breaking news. Become a prepper and Prepare now for an economic collapse and prepare for the supply chain crisis to get even worse. Prepare for wrol. Buy silver and buy gold so you are prepared for shtf 2023. “Stand firm, and you will win life.” Luke 21:19
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