Future Funk Drum & Bass MIX23
future funk drum & bass mix for my dnbfam world wide, send good vibez from Earth ;)
New releases from Calender Week 30 with Liquefaction, Subkey, Alb, Echomatics, Vblvb, Gravity, QZB, Sydney Bryce, Vodkah, Rhi_N_B, Kryptiv, Crash Comet, Smote, Funkware, Marble Elepahnt, Parhelia
00:00 Yokaï Saga - Marble Elephant [Incurzion Audio]
04:01 Bedrock - Funkware [LW Recordings]
08:59 High Wall - Smote [Offworld Recordings]
12:21 Sounds Of Serenity - Crash Comet [Galacy]
14:48 Supreme Timeweaver - Parhelia [LW Recordings]
18:54 Measured Elements - Kryptiv x Rhi_N_B [Incurzion Audio]
22:13 Incline - Vodkah [Four Corners]
26:32 Let You Down - Sydney Bryce x QZB [Flexout Audio]
29:36 Dive Into - Gravity [Totally Liquid]
34:07 Shifting Format - Vblvb [Fokuz Recordings]
39:36 Quantum Shadows - Echomatics [Glitch Audio]
43:17 Rhythms Of Routine - Echomatics [Glitch Audio]
46:58 Confession - Alb [Four Corne