New Voxel Engine Reveal - Crystal Islands Experiment

Follow me on Twitter for more updates: This scene is composed entirely of voxels. What started as an innocent attempt at increasing the view distance evolved into a 4 month quest to achieve not only that, but rewrite a brand new voxel engine from the ground up that would feature: - An 8x (512 cubic) detail increase with animation support, high compression rates, and per-voxel material attributes - Fast collision detection that physics and player walking will utilize - Full fracture and mutation of objects - Improved path traced global illumination that features 5 bounces from the sun, atmosphere and all emissive objects - A powerful asset pipeline that can utilize Quixel Megascans, PlantFactory/PlantCatalog’s detailed vegetation, and other highly detailed polygon models after being converted and processed into voxels (all 3 seen in this video) - Ray-traced world generation that could easily place trees, grass, flowers, and other assets (eg. crystals) in designated areas: eg.
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