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The video, directed by Brandon Gullion and produced by guitarist Frank Hannon is raw and high electric energy that takes fans back to the roots of TESLA. “Cold Blue Steel” is influenced by current events of the world, just like our debut single “Modern Day Cowboy” (1986) and touches on the subject fairly and open-minded by asking “what’s to blame?” when it comes to violence in the world” states Frank Hannon (founding member and guitarist). “More importantly, the recording and production of the song and video are kept raw and real, just the way TESLA fans want to see and hear us. We are survivors and have been rocking for 35 years!”
Video Director: Brandon Gullion
Video Produced by: Frank Hannon
I can’t believe all this bullshit today
Too many lives being taken away
Sick and unhappy behind a smile
Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile
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