01) [00:00] I Long for It \ 그리워 \ Тоскуем
Female solo - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
02) [04:36] What Is Life? \ 생이란 무엇인가 \ Что такое жизнь?
Female solo - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
03) [09:13] Don’t Ask My Name \ 내 이름 묻지 마세요 \ Не спрашивай моё имя
Female solo - Ri Kyong Suk
04) [12:23] Blue Willow \ 푸른 버드나무 \ Зелёная ива
Female solo - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
05) [17:29] The Spring Light of Love \ 사랑의 봄빛 \ Весенний свет любви
Female solo - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
06) [21:46] One Big Family \ 하나의 대가정 \ Одна большая семья
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jon Hye Yong
07) [24:12] The White Snow Falls \ 흰눈이 내리는데 \ Падал белый снег
Female solo - Jon Hye Yong
08) [29:12] Campfire \ 우등불 \ Походный костёр
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Jo Kum Hwa
09) [33:02] Traces of Life \ 생의 흔적 \ Следы жизни
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
10) [37:53] Young People, Uphold Our Party \ 청춘들아 받들자 우리 당을 \ Молодёжь, поддержим нашу партию!
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
11) [40:16] My Mother \ 나의 어머니 \ Моя мать
Female solo - Ri Kyong Suk
12) [44:45] Our Mind Is Also One \ 마음도 하나 \ Душа тоже одна
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ri Kyong Suk
13) [47:48] Let’s Go Together \ 같이 가자요 \ Вместе пойдём
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
14) [50:32] O, Moon Over the Secret Camp \ 밀영의 달아 \ О, луна над тайным лагерем
Female solo - Jon Hye Yong
15) [55:07] Best Wishes \ 축원 \ Пожелание
Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Merited Artiste Kim Kwang Suk
Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble Vol. 26 - Hwang Jin Yong’s Composition 1
보천보전자악단 제26집 - 황진영작곡집 1
Ансамбль электронной музыки Почхонбо. Альбом №26. “Музыкальные произведения Хван Джин Ёна (1)“
NOTE - this video is not original copy from CD. It is result of searching of the songs in the web (according the information from catalogue). For original files, check links below
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Many thanks for the original files - @theeasternmusic7162/videos
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