Multi-Bitches || HARD

OMG the feedback on this video.. O_O YOU CRAZY AWESOME PEOPLE. ♥ This is very FAST and FLASHY, so if it hurts your eyes, don’t watch it. And if you saw the preview, yes, shit like that takes me 3 days to finish. I made this because these girls all ROCK. HARD. :) And cause I was in a bitchy mood when I started this and what’s better than vidding girls punching girls (kay, except hot guys being hot, I guess..)? Dedicated to all my favorite (super sweet) bitches on here, you know who you are. ILY ALL. (even if you’re in Jamaica right now, drunk and partying :P *cough*Mish*cough*) Also, huge thanks everyone who helped me find some scenes, weeee. ♥ Hope you enjoy this :D I had a lot of fun making it. SONG: Rihanna - Hard FANDOMS: Gossip Girl (Blair, Serena, Jenny, Georgina), OTH (Brooke, Haley, Alex, Rachel, Peyton), Skins (Katie), Veronica Mars, that movie we better not mention (Regina), and that blonde chick from the fandom we shall not speak of. :D S
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