BRIQUEVILLE - Akte XII (Official Video)

“Quelle“, out now via Pelagic Records. Order here: // The contemporary Belgian heavy music scene keeps spawning awesome bands, and B R I Q U E V I L L E – thespaces in between the letters are part of their moniker – are among the most intriguing and compelling of them. The meditative heaviness of their sound and the careful engineering of the visual aspects of their mesmerizing live-performance rituals are awe-inspiring and challenging in equal measure. After 2017’s dazzling instrumental opus „II“, the Flemish 5-piece finally return with their 3rd studio album, one of the first real pandemic-albums to be released on Pelagic. The band members had to finish the album in separation, which worked out better than they had initially expected: the forced distance allowed them to take distance not only to each other, but also towards their own song material. Some pieces grew larger than originally intended, others were stripped down to the essentials and reinvented. The end result is
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