💎Powerful Sanskrit Mantra to Destroy Fear | 💧Śatāṅgāyurmantraḥ from Mārkaṇ

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.“ This is a very powerful mantra which destroys the enemy that lives in your own mind It is from a hymn to the fierce form of Śiva, Mahā Kāla Bhairava This powerful mantra destroys fear, attachment, greed, arrogance, jealousy, hatred, anger, ignorance The enemy that stops you from fulfilling your true potential The voice that prevents you from doing something you always wanted to do The thought that makes you feel bad about yourself The idea that makes you think you are not good enough The fear that paralyses And when these are destroyed you are born again You grow again You bloom again You open again Just like the flowers do Just like the buds in Spring time A mantra to destroy that which kills your passion and vigor And enables you to be free to live and be master of your mind
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