Tomb Raider 1 Gold : Unfinished Business 100% All Secrets Gameplay Longplay Walkthrough (TR1Main)
This was the first expansion of Classic TR. Actually this is the first time I play on PC. I used to play on Android lol. Thanks to Mahetus, who helped me pack the gold together with the newest patch. That is the Tomb1Main. You can expect that, the UI and enemy bar are quite alike TR2 ones.
The first chapter of the game takes place in Egypt, and occurs several months after the events of Tomb Raider. The story sees Lara returning to the City of Khamoon to investigate a mysterious statue of the Egyptian goddess Bastet. This leads to her discovery of an entirely new temple dedicated to the cat deity, which includes a giant gold statue several stories high. The second chapter takes place before those of the first chapter - quite literally straight after the events of Tomb Raider. This chapter starts with Lara sliding down the same slope as in final level of the original game, and finishes with her destroying the last remnants of the Atlantean Race.
(Source : Tomb Raider Wiki)