I just love this guy, how can you not? Every other word out of his mouth is hilarious and messed-up in a dorky way. I feel like I haven’t found half of the cute things he’s said in interviews, this is not justice!
Song: I can’t Stand it- Never shout never
I used sony vegas platinum 10
It has come to my attention that there are darren fans out there who have never heard of starkid. This must be fixed. If you have ever marginally enjoyed harry potter, go look up a very potter musical. If not, go look up little white lie or starship. You will finally understand why everyone describes darren as
...“supermegafoxyawesomehot“ and talk about his upcoming trip to piggfarts. you’re welcome.
Just cause EVERYONE is asking- the alarm clock-surprise clips are from his interview with billy bush, the one where he’s behind a frame snogging with a can is behind the scenes of skin and bones, charlene kaye ft. darren criss.
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