Runa x Nosfe x Timebelle - Palatul de crom (Official video)
Runa x Nosfe x Timebelle: Palatul de crom (Official video)
Filmat intr-o atmosfera plina de contraste, Palatul de Crom trece de la cald la rece, vorbind de o relatie amoroasa in care lucrurile ajung sa fie reci si rigide, ca materialul de crom. Casa nu mai e calda si primitoare, ci a devenit un palat de crom gol, fara viata. Neintelegerile dintre cei doi au epuizat-o pe ea, cea care decide ca singuratatea si sanatatea ei mentala sunt o mai buna alegere decat mentinerea acestui cerc vicios.
Filmed in an atmosphere full of contrasts, Palatul de Crom shifts from hot to warm, telling us about a love story in which everything becomes cold and rigid, just like the chrome material. Their home is no longer warm and welcoming, but it has become a chrome soulless palace. The misunderstandings among the two lovers have exhausted her, deciding that loneliness and mental health are far better choices than maintaining this vicious cold cycle.
Muzica - Miruna Manescu, Andrei Tostogan, Emanuel Daniel Andriescu, Vlad Dari
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