Hi I’m your first and last teacher - SpeedPaint (SAI)
“Hello! Welcome to art school! I am your art teacher and I will be glad to see your success in your work ... but for not meeting deadlines you will be severely punished ...“
By the way. This is my OС Christopher. For some reason, I introduced him as a teacher, who punishes for failure to meet deadlines for the delivery of work :D
And yes, I was influenced by the games Advanced Education and Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning.
In the future, I want to paint it, so if you like it, I’ll be very happy :3
This art is not the best and made as an experiment. Let’s just say, this is the first art full and less ready in the program SAI. I liked the program in principle, but it’s not customary. You can not rotate pictures by pressing the button, there is no zoom button. Although maybe I just have not figured it out yet. But the program is interesting and I want to try and paint in it and it may be something worthwhile in the future.
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