China-Jiangxi Nanchang Walking Tour | Prefecture-level City Wandering [4K 60FPS]
In this video, I will take you to walk in Nanchang, Jiangxi. Nanchang (UK: /nænˈtʃæŋ/, US: /nɑːnˈtʃɒŋ/; Chinese: 南昌; pinyin: Nánchāng) is the capital of Jiangxi Province, People’s Republic of in the north-central part of the province and in the hinterland of Poyang Lake Plain, it is bounded on the west by the Jiuling Mountains, and on the east by Poyang Lake. Because of its strategic location connecting the prosperous East and South China, it has become a major railway hub in Southern China in recent decades.
The territories encompassing modern-day Jiangxi Province—including Nanchang—was first incorporated into China during the Qin dynasty, when it was conquered from the Baiyue peoples and organized as Jiujiang Commandery (Chinese: 九江郡). In 201 BC, during the Han dynasty, the city was given the Chinese name Nanchang and became the administrative seat of Yuzhang Commandery (豫章郡), and was governed by Guan Ying, one of Emperor Gaozu of Han’s generals. The name Nanchang means “southern flourishing“, derived from a motto of developing what is now southern China that is traditionally attributed to Emperor Gaozu himself.
In AD 589, during the Sui dynasty, this commandery was changed into a prefecture named Hongzhou (洪州), and after 763 it became the provincial center of Jiangxi, which was then beginning the rapid growth that by the 12th century made it the most populous province in China.
In 653 the Tengwang Pavilion was constructed, and in 675 Wang Bo wrote the classic “Tengwang Ge Xu“, a poetic introductory masterpiece celebrating the building, making the building, the city, and the author himself known to literate Chinese-speaking population ever since. The Pavilion has been destroyed and rebuilt several times throughout history. Its present form was reconstructed in the 1980s after being destroyed in 1929 during the Chinese Civil War.
In 959, under the Southern Tang regime, Nanchang was made superior prefecture and the southern capital. After the conquest by the Song regime in 981 it was reverted to the name Hongzhou. In 1164 it was renamed Longxing prefecture, which name it retained until 1368. During the Yuan dynasty it was the capital of Jiangxi Province, an area that included Guangdong as well. At the end of the Yuan (Mongol) period (1279–1368), it became a battleground between Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), and the rival local warlord, Chen Youliang. At the beginning of the 16th century it was the power base from which Zhu Chenhao, the Prince of Ning, launched a rebellion against the emperor.
During the Yuan Dynasty, it might have been the centre of porcelain trade
During the reign of the Wanli Emperor of the Ming dynasty, it housed relatives of the emperor who had been exiled because they were potential claimants of the imperial throne, members of the imperial family constituting about one quarter of the city’s population; as a result of this, Matteo Ricci came here when trying to gain entry to Beijing.
00:00:00 预览 Preview
00:02:01 八一广场及周边 Bayi Square and surrounding areas
00:07:52 珠宝街及周边 Jewelry Street and surrounding areas
00:19:01 红谷滩CBD商圈 Honggutan CBD business district
00:42:35 滕王阁主阁及周边 The main pavilion of Tengwang Pavilion and its surroundings
01:12:43 蛤蟆街 Hama Street
01:17:19 南昌新地标-岛屿浮云塔 Nanchang’s new landmark - Island Floating Cloud Tower
本影片我將帶大家到江西南昌健行。 南昌(英國:/nænˈtʃæŋ/,美國:/nɑːnˈtʃɒŋ/;中文:南昌;拼音:Nánchāng)是中華人民共和國江西省省會。位於該省中腹地湖濱平原,西臨九嶺山脈,東臨九嶺山脈,東臨九嶺山脈鄱陽湖。 由於其戰略位置連接繁榮的華東和華南地區,近幾十年來已成為華南地區的主要鐵路樞紐。
包括今天的江西省在內的地區(包括南昌)在秦朝時首次併入中國,當時它被百越人征服並組建為九江郡(中文:九江郡)。 西元前201年,漢代,這座城市被賜名為南昌,並成為豫章郡的行政所在地,由漢高祖之一的將軍灌嬰統治。 南昌這個名字的意思是“南方繁榮”,源自傳統上高祖本人的發展現在的中國南方的座右銘。
西元 589 年,隋朝期間,該郡改為洪州府,763 年後成為江西的省中心,隨後開始快速發展,到 12 世紀使其成為最重要的江西省。中國人口大省。
653年,滕王閣建成,675年,王勃寫了經典的《滕王閣序》,這是一部頌揚滕王閣的詩歌介紹性巨著,從此讓這座建築、這座城市和作者本人為有識字的華語民眾所熟知。 。 歷史上,這座亭子曾多次被摧毀和重建。 目前的形式是在 1929 年國共內戰期間被毀後於 20 世紀 80 年代重建的。
西元959年,南唐政權設南昌為都督府。 西元981年,宋朝滅亡,復稱洪州。 1164年改稱龍興郡,並沿用至1368年。元代時,它是江西省(包括廣東地區)的省會。 元(蒙古)時期(12
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