’Miss Polly Had A Dolly’ NURSERY RHYMES COLLECTION | Kids Hut

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick Sick sick !! Watch how she takes care of her little dolly. Learn & sing along with this beautiful nursery rhyme now!! Buy from iTunes: ------------------------------- Voice : Tulsi kumar ------------------------------- (◕‿◕✿) Hello Kids you are enjoying this Miss Polly Had A Dolly Nursery Rhymes Collection on our Kids Hut YouTube Channel. Subscribe us for more Rhymes, phonics & preschool songs, children stories and things kids would love to know. SUBSCRIBE our KIDSHUT Family here: - ☛ SUBSCRIBE us: ☛ Like us: ☛ Follow us: ☛ Follow us: ------------------------------- Miss Polly Had A Dolly Nursery Rhyme Lyrics: Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. she called for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with his bag and his hat And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat. He looked at the dolly and he shook his head he said “Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!“ He wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill “I’ll be back in the morning with the bill, bill, bill.“ Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. she called for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with his bag and his hat And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat. He looked at the dolly and he shook his head he said “Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!“ He wrote on a paper for a pill, pill, pill “I’ll be back in the morning with the bill, bill, bill.“ ------------------------------- Set it as your Caller Tune sms MPHD To 54646 --------------------------------- Operator Codes: 1.) Miss Polly Had A Dolly Vodafone Subscribers Dial 5375597688 Airtel Subscribers Dial 5432114347770 Reliance Subscribers SMS CT 64228441 to 51234 Idea Subscribers Dial 567895597688 Tata DoCoMo Subscribers dial 5432115597688 Aircel Subscribers sms DT 2353408  To 53000 BSNL (North / West) Subscribers sms BT 5597688 To 56700 BSNL (South / East) Subscribers sms BT 2353408 To 56700 Virgin Subscribers sms TT 5597688 To 58475 MTS Subscribers sms CT 87543264 to 55777 Uninor Subscribers sms ACT CT 0840899 to 51234 MTNL Subscribers sms PT 5597688 To 56789
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