️🇦🇲 What is happening in Armenia: a full explanation in five minutes

️🇦🇲 What is happening in Armenia: a full explanation in five minutes A lot has happened since the beginning of the diplomatic wrangling between the Armenian and Russian authorities and Yerevan’s demonstrative drift towards the West. The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic has come to an end, Azerbaijan is celebrating its victory, protests and rallies are taking place in the Armenian capital, and Western emissaries are frequenting the still relatively friendly Russian republic. The most frequent question we hear is: “Why should we, Russia, care about Armenia? They’re in the end, so we punished them, it’s better to be friends with Azerbaijan!“. That’s why we decided to make a detailed explainer video, which answers the main questions: ▪️ What was the formal reason for the escalation? ▪️ Who is involved in the conflict? ▪️ Why is it important for Russia? ▪️ Why is it important for Iran? ▪️ What will happen if Armenians accept the situation? ▪️ What other threats does the conflict pose? We hope that after this video our audience will have a basic understanding of the processes taking place, and everyone will be able to answer the question “Why do we care?“. #Armenia #video #Russia Источник: Rybar in English
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