Safety First - No. 1 (1934)

Titles read: “Safety first - and all the time - No. 1. The “whys and wherefores“ of some everyday occurrences on the roads - with some remarks by LORD HOWE the famous Racing Motorist. (Arranged in co-operation with the Ministry of Transport.)“. Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey and surrounding area? Various M/Ss of front page newspaper headlines about the ’Toll of the Roads’ and the number of deaths from road accidents. At Brooklands racetrack we see Lord Howe speeding around the track. Nice point of view tracking shots along suburban roads with light traffic, as we hear Lord Howe telling us points of safety when driving. Road safety points include being in the correct position on the road, using hand or indicator signals when pulling out to overtake or turn. A couple are seen cuddling in a car as the man drives along; Lord Howe tells us there is a time and a place for all things. Other basic safety points are covered such as not hogging the middle of the road and not overtaking on a bend or the
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