Feedback the Systema Spetsnaz Vadim Starov instructor of Wing Chun Vietnam Lamy Nguyen
Отзыв о Системе Вадима Старова инструктора Вин Чун Вьетнам Lamy Nguyen
Opinion about the System Vadim Starov instructor of wing Chun Vietnam Lamy Nguyen
По Системе обучения Русскому Стилю в Москве проходит обучение инструктор Вин Чун из Вьетнама Lamy Nguyen
Vadim Starov Bodyguard Training – Close VIP Protection Training Course Systema Spetsnaz Los Angeles, California
Systema Spetsnaz is inviting you for our special bodyguard training course for close VIP protection. This training is for licensed security personnel and bodyguards who wants to improve their skills of Special VIP Protection. If you are not working in security or personal protection or do not have any experience in a field, unfortunately, this training course is not for you. We will be glad to see you at our regular self-defense seminars.
Bodyguard training course: close VIP protection
Minimum working experience as a security personnel or bodyguard: 6 months
Must be at least 18 years old and have firearm license
Must be in a good physical shape to do intense sport activities
Must be able to train under high level of stress
Bodyguard training course: close VIP protection
Total training time: 18 hours
Total training days: 3 days (6 hours per day)
Bodyguard training course day #1:
1. Testing current bodyguard skills
Testing allows you to set the level of preparedness of the participants and plan the intensity level of training for the next 4 days, possible divide students into groups for more effective training results.
Bodyguard training course day #2:
1. Physical bodyguard training
Advanced training for endurance and physical strength.
2. Tactical bodyguard training
general bodyguard knowledge of close VIP protection
tactics in potentially threatening situations
tactics in a high-risk environment
learning the different types of enemy’s behavior, preventing the possible threats
escorting and protecting VIP person from active shooting
inspection of vehicles and buildings while exiting life-threatening situations
3. Bodyguard hand to hand combat training
Advanced self-defense training for close VIP protection
Close hand to hand combat in limited space (hallway, staircases, next to the wall, doorway etc.)
Close hand to hand combat in extreme situations
Using everyday objects as a weapon
Weapon disarming techniques (firearms)
Knife fighting and knife disarming techniques
Fighting against multiple opponents
2. Important bodyguard “rules”
bodyguard behavior
situations of applying a physical force while protecting VIP clients
rules of use of weapons vs hand to hand combat
rules of using firearms while accompanying a person
type of crimes against the VIP person and his/her property
circumstances and bodyguard actions in critical life-threatening situations
3. Special bodyguard firearm training (without actual shooting)
safety rules and tips for working with different type of firearms
essential bodyguard skills:
– recovery the gun from the holster
– types of grips (pros and cons)
speedy recovery of weapons from the holster and loading the weapon
targeting a weapon and opening a fire
type of grips of the weapons (pros and cons)
delays in shooting
Bodyguard training course day #3:
1. Psychological bodyguard training
Development of psychological resilience to stressful factors.
2. Medical training
basic first aid training
resuscitation methods
modes of transportation and evacuation of casualties in regular and extreme situations
3. Reality based bodyguard training
Practical exercises of close VIP protection to master bodyguard’s skills (different scenarios with sharp weapons and firearms).
4. Testing bodyguards theoretical knowledge and practical skills after the training.
Testing helps to evaluate the training results and give individual recommendations to each participant.
Make a payment (click on the button above).
Receive a confirmation email with a registration form
– payment confirmation will arrive immediately,
– the registration form will be sent to you by email within 1 business day.
Fill out the registration form and email it back to us.
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