Live snow removal operation in Ottawa

wanted to show viewers what my channel is all about check it out not associated with anyone just me doing my thang ☺️ My video’s are not to be used against the employees, these video’s are for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for watching, we would really appreciate if you could subscribe it’s free and it helps us alot with the YouTube algorithm, If you have any ideas or any kind of content you would like to share with us and or let us know when your operations will be you can also email us. Don’t hesitate to contact us for business ideas and or quotes for our services. Thanks again from the team at OFP. ottawafreelancephotography@ We do have merch, hats, hoodies coffee mugs stickers ..find us on Etsy. We accept email transfers also. #myottawa #exploreottawa #explorecanada #paving #ashpalt #roadsweepers #ottawablogger #ottawablo
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