Game Trailer: AI Senshi Neuro-sama (Neuro-sama Fan Game)
In the year 20XX, just after Poppin’ AI Corporation released its revolutionary new AI assistant, Geppity, a tragedy has struck - all of humanity has mysteriously gone missing!
Now it’s up to Neuro-sama to fight through hordes of artificial creatures that have flooded the now empty planet. Will she be able to overcome impossible odds and thwart the villains’ schemes? Only your skill and persistence are going to decide that!
Go on a wacky fighting adventure, meeting new friends along the way, and fight your way through over 5 action-packed stages.
AI Senshi Neuro-sama is a freeware fangame available in English and Russian languages.
If you want to support me, check out my Bandcamp page for my original music:
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1 week ago 00:01:00 1
Commander of Battlefront Development Demo Version New trailer 【Indie Game】