Cambodia - Evacuation of foreigners

(8 Jul 1997) T/I: 10:06:57 Foreigners were being evacuated from Cambodia late into the night on Monday (7/7) as forces loyal to the first Prime Minister Prince Ranariddh were regrouping close to where factional fighting broke out in the northern Cambodian province of Siem Reap early Tuesday. SHOWS: THAI/CAMBODIAN BORDER 7/7 WS street in Aranyaprathet border area; WS Funcinpec soldiers in street; VS Funcinpec soldiers speed past on back of truck; SOT Colonel David Mead Australian military Attache (english) “i’ve been moving some soldiers because had agreement from both sides to bring NGO’s out of the area in case there is conflict there... it is not safe south of Battambang ..and ive already had some agreement that should be able to go back in and bring out another group so I hope to do that today (re moving NGS from Battambang out of area); various of Funcinpec soldiers in street with rockets
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