Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with international space station

(11 Jun 2007) AUDIO AND VIDEO AS INCOMING 1. International Space Station 2. View of the shuttle Atlantis 3. Various of Atlantis 4. Various of Atlantis turning around for inspection 5. Various close-ups of the shuttle 6. Approach to docking 7. Various wide shots of the shuttle approaching the space station 8. Various of final approach and latching 9. Shuttle and space station docked STORYLINE: Atlantis docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on Sunday, as engineers continued to review photographs of a section of peeled-back thermal blanket on the space shuttle. Atlan...tis commander Rick Sturckow eased the shuttle into the space station’s docking port. Latches fastened the shuttle and orbiting space lab together at 3:36 p.m. EDT (19:36 GMT). The shuttle’s two-day chase of the space station ended about 210 miles (338 kilometres) above southeastern Australia. It was the first visit this year by a shuttle to the space station. The shu
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