Cuphead + DLC - All Weapons (With Healthbar & Damage Comparison)

Cuphead - All Weapons with Healthbar and Damage Comparison. This video shows you all the weapons from Cuphead and the DLC The Delicious Last Course. The health bar shows you the damage and at the end of the video you will see a side-by-side comparision of all weapons. ►Twitter: The healthbar cheat I used: ►Timecodes: 00:00 - Peashooter 00:23 - Spread 00:42 - Chaser 01:17 - Lobber 01:39 - Charge (uncharged) 02:07 - Charge (charged) 02:28 - Roundabout (forward) 02:50 - Roundabout (backward) 03:14 - Crackshot (cracked) 03:46 - Crackshot (uncracked) 04:09 - Converge 04:31 - Twist-Up 04:53 - Al...l Weapons Comparison ►Game Information: ▪ Title: Cuphead ▪ Developer: StudioMDHR ▪ Publisher: StudioMDHR ▪ Platform: Switch, Xbox One, PC ▪ Genre: Platform ▪ Playtime: 9 hours #Cuphead #CupheadDLC
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