(488) Sunflower strainer pour ~ Easy pour for BEGINNERS ~ Step by step tutorial

I tried to do a sunflower for few times before with reverse flower dips, but today I will use a sink strainer. TECHNIQUE: Strainer pour COLOURS: - Boesner black - Amsterdam azo yellow lemon hue - Amsterdam vandyke brown - Amsterdam gold yellow - Amsterdam titanium white - Arties colours cadmium yellow middle hue - Mamieri bordeaux - Amsterdam copper MATERIAL: - 12x12 inch canvas - Acrylic paints mixed with pouring medium - Sink strainer - Cake spinner PROCESS: - Pour your base - Put the sink strainer on canvas - Pour paints on the strainer - Lift the strainer - Spin Link to SPLIT CUP an...d NEW flower shaped cup: Use this Discount code at checkout to get 15% off all cups! The code is FIONA15 My MIXING PAINTS video: #FionaArt #AcrylicPour #StrainerPour If you want to support my channel to keep on experimenting w
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