How to Paint SOLAR AUXILIA VEHICLES | Aethon Heavy Sentinel | BONUS SCHEME!! | The Horus Heresy

In this video we paint up the new Aethon Heavy Sentinel in the colour scheme of the Boremanite Devils for the Solar Auxilia, plus a BONUS infantry scheme for The Deathless! #horusheresy #solarauxilia #paintingwarhammer 00:00 - Intro 01:04 - Boremanite Devils 21:40 - The Deathless Paints Used: Boremanite Devils: GW - Thondia Brown GW - Baneblade Brown GW - Rakarth Flesh GW - Castellan Green GW - Deathkorps Drab GW - Elysian Green GW - Mournfang Brown GW - Brass Scorpion VMC - Black VMC - Dark Rust Tamiya - Clear Red Tamiya - Clear Blue S75 - Decayed Metal S75 - Moonstone Alchemy ABT 502 - Ochre, Light Rust, Bitume, Fresh Engine Oil, Industrial Earth, Buff, Olive Green The Deathless: GW - Iron Warriors GW - Runelord Brass GW - Thondia Brown GW - Ratling Grime GW - Skavenblight Dinge GW - Poxwalker GW - Coelia Greenshade GW - Apothecary White VMA - Steel VMA - Dark Sea Grey S75 - De
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