LOOK! Budget PALLET kitchen build - Off Grid Portugal

Bet you cant wait to see our stunning rustic BUDGET kitchen, built from pallets for under £500 (600E, $590) including the cooker and worktop etc. What an upgrade to our off grid land in Central Portugal, and all built in a week! We are The Wildlanders Off Grid! A family learning how to live the good life sustainably and on a tight budget. Subscribe to watch our adventures as we turn our 1.3 hectares of Portuguese Wild Lands into a little slice of off grid paradise! We hope to inspire others to make their dreams a reality. We’ve lived on the road as nomads for over 2 years and now we’re creating our dream homestead and living simply off the land in Central Portugal. 🔷 NEW; Support us on PATREON ▸ 🔷 BUY US A COFFEE (All your generosity goes direct to The Wild Lands) ▸ 🔷 SUBSCRIBE! If you’re interes
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