Watching the Watchers LIVE with Robert Gruler

News and stories from the criminal legal world and the United States justice system. Watching the Watchers holds police officers, prosecutors, judges, politicians and anyone involved in criminal law accountable. Join us LIVE weekly Wednesdays at 7 p.m. AZ time. Don’t forget to join us on Locals! Head over to Locals to continue the conversation before and after the show. You can also grab the slides (and other stuff) from the show as well as a free PDF copy of Robert’s book which is also available to buy on Amazon here: Have questions about an Arizona criminal case? Schedule a free case evaluation with our office! CALL 480-787-0394 TEXT 480-405-7356 ***JOIN THE WATCHING THE WATCHERS FACEBOOK GROUP TO STAY CONNECTED*** Join and follow this group and tune in Wednesday evening at 4p.m. (AZ time) on Facebook or subscribe on YouTube at
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