[YES] Dust And Gold MEP

SONG USED: Arrows to Athens - Dust and Gold HOSTED BY: soulofkonoha009 THEME: Giving Up, Losing Hope; and/or Losing Hope and then finding it once again. Part 1: Emi / Superman Batman The Green Lantern (Justice League Doom) Part 2: novstarvideos / Batman Jason Todd (B:UTRnH) Part 3: annnarchist / Zuko (A:TLA) Part 4: Kelso / Robin (Young Justice) Part 5: Flamey / Arcee (Transformers) Part 6: Trish / Korra (A:TLK) Part 7: Carro / The Ice King (Adventure Time) Part 8: annnarchist / Toph (A:TLA) Part 9: nodel
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