The Kingston Trio - Santy Anno

We hear the original Kingston Trio composed of Bob Shane, Nick Reynolds and Dave Guard singing “Santy Anno“.with bass by Buzz Wheeler. “Santianna“, also known as “Santiana“, “Santy Anna“, “Santayana“, “Santiano“, “Santy Anno“ and other variations, is a sea shanty relating to the Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna. The song is listed as number 207 in the Roud Folk Song Index. Origin The shanty is popularly supposed to have been started by British seamen who jumped ship to serve with Antonio López de Santa Anna in the Mexican-American War. Tension between the USA and Britain was still high, and Santa Anna became a hero-figure to those countries opposing the lyrics themselves are rather economical with historical accuracy; for example, the result of the Battle of Monterrey (or alternatively the Battle of Molino del Rey) is presented as a US rout rather than the Mexican defeat that really occurre
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