Vertical Wind Turbine Always Facing The Wind, Operate at Lower Speeds & Height

These are vertical axis turbines that operate at lower speeds, lower height, and look much different than conventional wind turbines – they resemble good old-fashioned egg beaters. They operate in close proximity to perpetuate wind and are supposed to be safer for birds and bats, produce less noise pollution, and could be used efficiently in urban areas. Today’s wind farms use large turbines spread far apart. Stanford University Professor John Dabiri thinks birds can teach us something about using smaller wind turbines to work together to capture energy from the wind. “Groups of animals have this whole-is-greater-than-the-parts effect where animals in front create air or water currents that make it easier for those behind to fly or swim,”. His lab is testing turbines that look like vertical egg beaters. This design ensures that they’re always facing the wind. Most importantly, these turbines can be moved and rearranged. Over time Dabiri hopes to discover how to place turbines so that wind farms can replicate
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