“At a certain point of My Experience Here, a ’Request’ was made to REBISAR & The Real UNUversal Guides & The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLLISSS, that there be a ’Real Confrontation’ with Everything that is Effecting ’Your Planet Earth’ and so much more in the Five Levels of Creation. From everyone who has a body on this Earth, to all the planets and stars, and to all the Levels of Time & Space & Cause & Effect Creation, those souls & Utuns that have made Their Karmic Debt Choices into The NUNownisss LifeIS, will Now Face ThemSelves and what they have Decided, which is why Your Planet has been Purposely Poisoned! Most unaware people, and even those who are into the ’galactic this and that’s’ will not realistically understand The Real Presence of The RealGuides & THE ALLLISSS, as this RealEvent has already taken place on, 12 Midnight, October 31, 2017, where, the Queen Bitch of Orion has been sent to The Phantom Zone with HER Undying Arrogance. The Reptilian Alien TapLiners (RATS) which SHE is part of, have used Your Earth and countless other planets for HER Slave Driven HUman Farming for more eons than can be imagined! It is so that Creation is a ’simulator’ for ALL of US to gain experiences in, and at the same time there comes a point, which ISNOW, to where Enough IS Enough! With Your Earth being Destroyed by ChemTrails, HAARP, WiFi, politics, religion, worshiping gods, stupid masters & gurus, lethal vaccines, legal drugs, subliminal marketing ploy, fracking and so much more on a massive scale, I had decided to StepUp and make the ’Request’ to send those who have been responsible for what Does Not Serve as a RealBenefit with The ALLNatural Environment Supporting ALL of US, to go into The Phantom Zone. What this means is... SHE and HER Bratty Stupid Son ENKI, plus countless stubbornly stupid unaware others, will Not be returning in new bodies to continue their awakening to a Real WakeUp, until they ’adjust’ themselves in the Nothingness of The Phantom Zone, where there is Nothing! There is No creating anything in the ’Zone’ and all those who are there have to deal every moment with themselves to where they cannot Effect those who want to continue their Journey to Recognize, THE ALLLISSS. Those who are in the ’Zone’ have already Decided that Mass Destruction comes first with THEM, along with their Distorted Self-Adoration of Kontrolling others! And so IT IS, that they are exactly where they have Decided ThemSelves to BE! To most, what I am presenting Here would seem like science fiction... But Guess What... WakeUp and Look Around YOU... Unless YOU Decide to Do Something Now with what is taking place on Your Planet Earth, then YOU will be part of all the unaware who will grow old once again and forget you were ever Here, and YOU will be returning in Deformed Bodies once again... YOU DECIDE! Read... THE UNUVERSAL FILES UPDATE (Parts 1,2,3) by THE NUWAVIS DUANEVA on Facebook. MORE TO COME...