Assassins Creed: Revelations Walkthrough Gameplay Part 48 Final Xbox 360/PS3/PC HD HQ

I was too intrigued by the ending to add this part of my commenting: I know this walkthrough is a little premature and very rushed. I blame the people that commented on my sonic generations walkthrough as i did that 100% and all i got was complaints about finishing the story. For the next AC, ill make sure to make it better and not rush through everything. This was only my 2nd walkthrough that i did with commentary so im still learning. Ubisoft left it open again but did such a damn good job on the ending, i dont care. I just cant wait for the next AC now. Thanks for watching and happy assassinations. Part 48 and the final part of My walkthrough gameplay of Assassins Creed Revelations. This was done on xbox 360. Like my videos and subscribe to the channel. thanks for watching.
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