Germany - Last Remaining Russian Troops

(30 Aug 1994) Russian President Boris Yeltsin was to arrive in Berlin on Tuesday (30/8) to attend Wednesday’s official ceremony which will end nearly 50 years of Russian troops in Germany. The last 2,100 Russian soldiers will march for the last time through Berlin under the eyes of Chancellor Helmut Kohl and President Yeltsin marking the end of a four-year withdrawal agreed after reunification. SHOWS: BERLIN, 30/8 preps for ceremony to see off the last remaining Russian troops stationed on German territory flags being erected timber being sawed organiser directing carpenter troops rehearsing on parade ground shining shoes russian general having microphone pinned to shirt band marching cu band band marching cu of boots marching Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP A
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