Israel begins ground offensive in Gaza, army official said

️ Israel begins ground offensive in Gaza, army official said Earlier communications and the internet stopped working in the Gaza Strip, Al Arabiya TV reported. The intensity of the attacks on the enclave has multiplied, with Israeli artillery and tanks reportedly at work. The Red Crescent office said the sector was “completely cut off from the outside world“. Follow us on Telegram and Twitter🇷🇺 ️ Patriarch Kirill of Moscow speaks out against mass immigration: “We are a great country, we have huge expanses, but we do not have enough people. Alas, society is developing, and someone needs to work, so there are ‘guest workers’, who at first look like strangers, foreigners. They don’t know how to speak, then they start to communicate in Russian a little, and then they marry Russians, become citizens... it appears that there is nothing wrong with this, but there is one risk: these kind of people do not become close to us either in faith or culture. They have their own faith and culture. An educated, intelligent Russian person should respect both the faith and the culture of other people, but if a different faith, a different culture, spreads so much that at some point they will equalise or, God forbid, will dominate, then we will lose the country, we will lose our identity.” Источник: Lord Of War
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