The story behind “Close Horizon“ by Thomas Bronzwaer | Muzikxpress 135

Subscribe ► Thomas Bronzwaer is a Dutch DJ and producer who’s active in the scene since 2003. He’s known for trance releases under project names such as Arizona, Lost World, Avalon and of course under his own name Thomas Bronzwaer. For this week’s vlog I sat down with Thomas in his studio to ask him about “Close Horizon”, which was the very first track he did under his own name, back in the year 2005. But of course I did ask him as well about his project Oaken Moths, his future plans and more! Enjoy and thanks for watching! In a few weeks from now I will post another interview I did with Thomas; in that one he will tell the story behind his track “Constellation“. Subscribe ► ► Advertising revenue for a non profit subject like this is really, really minimal. So I depend on donations from you, so I will be able to keep doing these vlogs / interviews. You can support Muzikxpress with Paypal or via Patreon, any donation is most welcom
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