Ren - Depression

We live in an age where medical science advances are made every day, yet mental health issues are on the increase. As someone who has wrestled with severe mental health issues most my life I think it’s important for my art to reflect the cracks I feel around me. I felt it was important not to sugarcoat this or put a positive spin on it as I wanted to create a snap shot of what it’s like when it really does feel like there is no hope and no way out. Despite this, for those who are listening who may be able to relate a bit too much please know that there are moments in life which make it worth living, and for every single moment that I wished I wasn’t here there have been moments that justified my decision to live. Sometimes they take a lot of patience to find, but they do exist. I hope this can help someone feel less alone. Depression (along with ’insomnia’)will be out on Spotify/Apple Music/I-tunes etc. as part of a 3 part E.P - coming soon Listen to ’insomnia’ here:
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