Plein air painting - How it’s done. A watercolor demo of an English village street scene #29

Here I am again, out and about in Laycock, a very pretty village in the UK. I’m using my cheap Bodycam (it’s about 40 USD) to film this, so apologies for any imperfections in the video quality. Please give me feedback on what you think and whether I should do more of these plein air demos. More paintings at In this demo I will be covering... 1) Choice of Subject. What makes a good watercolor subject. How to simplify the scene. 2) Materials I use such as the paper. I will also cover the paints I use and the palette, plus how I hold the different brushes for different techniques. 3) Doing the outline sketch as the first step. How to draw cars and figures. Getting the perspective right as you are looking down a street into the distance. 4) Doing the sky and the first wash of the background and then the foreground. 5) Shadows and details of the figures houses. 6) Watch out for the ’sword’ brush at the e
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