Greece is not doing well! Tons of water invade Athens, everyone is shocked
Greece is not doing well! Tons of water invade Athens, everyone is shocked
Bad weather in Athens, Greece, cause major floods, storm and power outages in many areas.
Several problems advanced on main roads in Psychiko, Galatsi, Kypseli and also in Ano Patisia, as a result of which the intervention of the Fire Department was also necessary.
On Achaias Street in Ampelokipis, the road turned into a crossroads of torrents.
#greece #athens #flood #heavyrain #thunderstorm #flooding #storm #rain #rainstorm #climatechange #news #today
This channel discusses natural disaster news and the latest weather reports around the world, such as: floods, storms, flash floods, tornadoes, typhoons, earthquakes, heavy rain, hail, strong winds, climate change, weather warnings, volcanic eruptions, bad weather, weather news and a compilation of natural disasters caught on camera.
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