Jirayr Sefilyan, lebanese born fedayi, joined Artsakh liberation struggle in 1991. He was a commander of 1600 volunteer Shushi special bregade and participated in military operations at Shahumyan, Gadrut, Spenakert, Shushi etc. He was awarded with the First Degree Order of “Martakan Khach“ (Fighting Cross), military medals, and other government awards. He is an Army lieutenant-colonel of the Republic of Armenia. Since 2001, Zhirair Sefilyan has been coordinating the activities of the public initiative group
9 years ago 00:10:00 53
Жирайр Сефилян 1 часть
10 years ago 00:10:02 18
Jirayr Sefilyan - Armenian fedayi from Lebanon Part 2