Apalachee Don - Everybodys Fightin (Official Music Video) (2023)

#apalachee_don #country_rap #blues #everybodys_fightin Автор сценария и продюсер Apalachee Don - Tin Can Studios Сведение, мастеринг и сопродюсер Blake Allman - Carefree Media Снято и срежиссировано ELECTROHOUSETV Сорежиссер - Апалачи Дон Аэрофотосъемка - Апалачи Дон Когда его спрашивают о себе, Апалачи Дон всегда начинает со слов: «Я из маленького городка Монро, штат Джорджия. Я родился здесь и, вероятно, умру здесь. Большинство людей хотят уехать из маленького города, но я этого не делаю. Это мой дом.“ Lyrics “Everybodys Fightin“: Here I stand on everything I am. Red blooded through and through proud American. I won’t meddle in your affairs. I pretty much stick to my self. If we stand with our backs together America’s headed for hell Everybody’s fighting, and we don’t even know what we fighting for. The elephants mad at the jackass. Liberty’s headed for war The left wing’s kicking at the right wing. And the bird ain’t flying no more. Everybody’s fighting. And we don’t even no what we fight for. It ain’t about your color. Sure ain’t about your pride When it comes to protecting Gods children we all gotta do what’s right. All these politicians trying to sweep it up under the rug. Pit us against each other. They must be covering something up Everybody’s fighting, and we don’t even know what we fighting for. The elephants mad at the jackass. Liberty’s headed for war The left wing’s kicking at the right wing. And the bird ain’t flying no more. Everybody’s fighting. And we don’t even no what we fight for. They taken praying from our schools man and that cool. They said it’s alright being a lady if being a man won’t do. Have we forgot about our brothers and our fathers from the past. If we don’t hold this ship together. She aint gonna last. Yea everybody’s fighting, and we don’t even know what we’re fighting for. The idiots mad at the jackass. Liberty’s headed for war The left wings kicking at the right wing. And the bird can’t take it no more. Everybody’s fighting. And we don’t even no what we fight for. Yea they got us all fightin’. And know we finally know what we fighting for. All Rights Reserved 2023.
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