Hey guys what’s happening? Niyat here with film comics explained. As voted for by everyone in the latest poll, today we’ll be exploring The Brotherhood of the Wolf, the 2001 action-horror and piece of revisionist history by Christophe Gans. Between 1764 and 1767, a creature known as the Beast of Gévaudan tore through the province in the Margeride Mountains of south-central France. The destruction left in its wake was devastating. Identified by eyewitnesses as a large striped beast with formidable teeth and claws, the creature was believed to be responsible for 610 attacks and over 500 deaths. The ruthless mauling’s stretched across 56 miles of rough terrain. And despite many claiming to have injured the animal, the evil remained within the woods. So terrified was everyone that new creatures would begin terrorizing the cities, that Louis the Beloved spared no expense of coin and manpower to hunt the animal or animals that were responsible. Set in the midst of the French Revolution
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