Hezbollah, the Islamic resistance in Lebanon, has released a new video amid growing war fears. The video reveals a sophisticated underground facility and an extensive tunnel network, including the Imad 4 facility showcasing the group’s missile capabilities. Hezbollah fighters are seen preparing for a mission on bikes, with missile trucks moving through the area. Titled “Our Mountains, Our Strongholds,“ the video features a quote: “Prepare against them whatever you can of power.“ It includes excerpts from a speech by Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah, asserting that the resistance is stronger th
...an ever.
#Hezbollah #IslamicResistance #Lebanon #UndergroundFacility #TunnelNetwork #Imad4 #MissileCapabilities #Fighters #MissionPreparation #MissileTrucks #OurMountainsOurStrongholds #HassanNasrallah #ResistanceStrength
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