
這兩天,全國很多地區氣溫驟降,上海一下子降了10℃。這樣的天氣,吃點高蛋白的食物有助於保存身體熱量。要是再有點湯水,那真是極好的。今天臺臺就教大家一道這樣的菜——虎頭雞。虎頭雞是魯菜中的一道民間傳統美食,很多山東家庭都會在重大的日子裏用「一雞、二魚、三涼菜」的順序給貴客上菜。而這打頭陣的「一雞」就是虎頭雞。Eat This When There is a 10°C Drop in Temperature, Tender and Smooth, Good for Kidney Health These days temperatures have plummeted in many parts of the country. In Shanghai there has been a 10°C drop. In this weather, eating high-protein food is good for preserving body heat. It would be even better if there is soup coming with it. Today, Taitai will make such a dish - tiger head chicken. Tiger head chicken is a traditional dish in Lu cuisine. Many Shandong families will treat guests in the order of “first chicken, next fish, then cold dishes“ on big days. And this leading “first chicken“ is tiger head chicken.
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