ENGLAND: King Amanullah Khan and Queen Soraya Tarzi of Afghanistan visit Port Sunlight (1928)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King Amanuallah Khan of Afghanistan visits Port Sunlight. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION - ROYALTY AT SOAP CITY ENGLAND: Wirral: Merseyside: Port Sunlight EXT Wide car pulls up King Amanullah Khan and Queen Soraya alight and welcomed by officials / Queen receives bouquet of flowers from child Queen kisses child INT King and Queen of Afghanistan tour Port Sunlight EXT King Amanullah inspecting Royal Navy Guard of honour / Officials climbing into a horse-drawn carriage / Carriage and mounted military escort along crowd-lined streets / King Amanullah and officials seated in the back of an open-top vehicle / Vehicle driving off / King and Queen being met by more officials at dockside / Ferries on the river Mersey / Royal vehicle driving disembarking from a ferry / Wide ferry / Royal party onboard ferry / Ferry / Passengers disembarking Background: King Amanuallah
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