Selected Originals - French Honour Eisenhower Aka Eisenhower Says Farewell To France (1952)

Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, out-takes, rushes) for story “French Honour Eisenhower“ 52/43. Mute version of Newsreel Story - first shot not superimposed. Paris, France. GTV. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) walking with Rene Pleven (French Defence Minister) and Antoine Pinay (French Prime Minister), across Invalides Square. Side view, pan, Ike walking with Pleven and Pinay across square. GTV. Ike walking and stops in front of French Tricolour flag and salutes. SV. Ike (C-in-C Western Armies) saluting, with Pleven standing on his left. LV. Ike inspecting French troops. He stops and salutes flags. LV. Ike inspecting troops. SV. Ike saluting and inspecting French disabled veterans. SV. Monsieur Pinay walks forward and pins Croix de Guerre medal on Ike’s tunic. Kisses Ike on both cheeks, Pinay steps back and fanfare is played by military band. CU. Eisenhower smiling and showing off medal to Pleven. (Slip pan). SV. Eisenhower and Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower
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