Caline Sundance Special Overdrive Boost DCP-06 (Bass Demo)

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO! “The right side Boost: your gain need a bit of extra grit and push in volume, this boost is what you need. Starting at 2db, our boost makes it easy to get that “special touch“ tone. Our pedal offers 2db to 20dB of wicked boost for tone shaping. One knob control: 2db, 4db, 8db, 12db, 16db, 20db The left side Overdrive: There are four main control knobs on the pedal - Gain, Treble, Vol, and Bass. Gain allows you to go from a barely noticeable boost to a boost with a hint of fuzz. The Treble and Bass controls are a great way to cut and boost your frequencies even further. So combined these controls allow a great deal of versatility. “ Follow me:
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