Panzerlied (Battle of the Bulge with english intro)

Boys. Too many boys. The illusion. The hope that there is one more chance. That is the illusion. The song starts at 1:30. I have left the entire scene to give context for the song. In the previous scene, Obergefreiter (lance-corporal) Conrad, the loyal aide and chauffeur to Oberst (colonel) Martin Hessler, reluctantly tells his colonel that the war would soon be over: “The illusion. Maybe I’m not using the right word, colonel. I’m not an educated man. The hope that there is always one more chance. That is the new command is an illusion. Give it up.“ The colonel becomes irate: “I am Martin Hessler. Four years ago, my panzers overran Poland in one week. That was no illusion. In 39 days, my tanks smashed all the way to Paris. That was no illusion. I conquered the Crimea. That was no illusion. was given a brigade of Tiger tanks. When I have a brigade of is reality.“ The corporal responds: &quo
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