“God Of Fortune” | CGI Animated Short Film (2021) | The One Academy
Unhappy with the small amount of money in his Ang Pao, a mischievous boy attempts to pray to the God of Fortune to increase his Ang Pao money. “财神爷“ [pronounced Cai Shen Ye in Chinese] (God of Fortune) was inspired by childhood experiences as a Malaysian Chinese celebrating Chinese New Year - a Chinese festivity that celebrates the beginning of a new Lunar year.
Directed by
Nerissa Choo Wee Jin
Line Producers
Liew Yuet Pei
Elise Soong
Head of Story
Yap Lu Song
Storyboard Artists
Yap Lu Song
Yap Pei Ying
Wan Jun How
Art Director
Lee Soon Yang
Wang Shu Ning
2D Character Artists
Amelia Wong
Elise Soong
2D Environment Artists
Wang Shu Ning
Lee Ye Jin
Character Modelers
Nip Eenoch Jeremiah
Lee Soon Yang
Environment Modelers
Liew Yuet Pei
Nerissa Choo Wee Jin
Yap Joo Meng
Tracy Chan Sok Ling
Character Texture Artists
Lee S